
What bugs me is that she straight-up gets the giggles while describing how she got the rapist off the hook.

That analysis also took into account 2008 statements made by Washington County prosecutor Mahlon Gibson about Clinton’s willingness to represent the client. Clinton described the case in the tapes as one she wasn’t eager to be part of, and others recalled her reticence:

Why is Reagan seemingly the messiah or paragon of the political world for the Right? I truly don’t get it. He increased deficits explosively, was responsible for oil shortages, laughed off the AIDS epidemic, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yo Mary-Grace, Doofenschmirtz is one of the tomato face troll's sock puppets and he's so, so, so trolling you right now. Mostly I don't care though because you've been concern trolling the rest of us with your "Hillary was once a defense attorney and that's bad!" video. You and Doofey have fun now, but don't eat too

Are you one of those people that thinks Newtown was staged because the parents didn’t cry during their press conference?

You’re genuinely surprised people are calling you out on your bullshit? You must usually hang around a bunch of impressionable idiots then.

Maybe from living in Arkansas for close to twenty years at the time of this interview.

you’re a fucking idiot. The polygraph was not used in court. They are inadmissible you inbred asshole. Seriously you should be embarrassed talking out of your ass like this. You’re on the internet man! You can google this shit easy. But you seem like a lazy shitstain of a person so I’m surprised it’s beyond your

You really are special type of stupid aren’t you? That’s a lie you asshole.

Giggling proves nothing. People giggle when they are amused. They also giggle when they’re nervous, some do it when they’re uncomfortable. I find it very hard to believe that she thought it was fun and hilarious to defend this person. I hear the opposite, myself.

But, it has been “debunked” as her laughing about “getting the rapist off.” It’s her laughing uncomfortably over realizing that lie detector tests are bunk, something she must have had more faith in before.

But you are still completely ignoring the context. People here have correctly informed you of why she was laughing. You can follow it for yourself listening to the video you incessantly post.

Then you should never step foot in a prosecutor’s office that deals with child sex crimes either. I’ve walked through the office of a guy who spent 25 years putting child sex criminals behind bars, and he had a good dozen child rapist jokes printed out scattered around his office. It’s not at all he thought this stuff

Jesus Christ. Hillary Derangement Syndrome has infiltrated every corner of the internet. Even my mom, who only recently mastered the art of emailing, asked me yesterday if I’d heard the rumor about the Clintons being cocaine fiends. God, I can’t wait until this election’s over.

Well, it’s part of being an attorney. She didn’t want the case, but she wanted to help someone out. Once she got in and accepted, then, she’s on the hook, whether she likes it or not. This is a part of our justice system. I’m not sure why you don’t understand this, but it really is.

Dude it’s pretty fucking clear that she’s not laughing about getting the guy off of his charges. If that’s what you’re hearing from the audio, it likely says more about you than it does about Hillary Clinton.

Um, she used to live in Arkansas, you idiot.

This is entirely you lying at this point. It’s been completely and utterly debunked. So, basically, you are flat out telling a lie.

This has been entirely debunked. She absolutely didn’t want to take the case. And she DIDN’T GET HIM EXONERATED. He went to jail. She plea bargained it down.

I’m also a lawyer. If I am assigned a case/asked to take one by the judge and prosecutor, I am legally obligated to try to give my client a fair defense. I can’t just say “hey, I think he’s a liar.”
I have to keep the system honest. It’s better for 9 guilty people to go free than 1 to lose their life or liberty at the