
I guess the Bachelors can have as much sex as they want to, but the Bachelorette has to be “in love” to have some sex. SMH, man...

Also, if I were in that person’s position I would probably fuck them both, too. If I’m spending the rest of my life with someone I need to know if there is any sexual chemistry.

In real life any girl or guy you meet or start dating, could have slept with someone else before you met them. While its probably not good, to lie about it, it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

THIS! People. This show has been on for almost 20 years. You know what's gonna happen. And yet, they act surprised every time this happens.

I don’t watch the show, but doesn’t the “Bachelor” almost always have sex with all the remaining girls in the fantasy suite episodes?

It would be an excuse to call me a whore.

It's almost like dating and getting engaged because of a reality show is a bad idea.

“If you weren’t in love with me, I’m just not sure why you made love with me?”

Yup. Considering assault against LEOs/other emergency workers is already a serious felony and far more punishable crime in just about every state, this law’s only purpose seems to be “protecting” these groups against things like targeted vandalism, graffiti, et al. Ya know, because when some dumbass teen spray paints

Ignoring the ramifications of a country flooded with guns should be a hate crime.

this was sort of going to be my comment. it’s already more of a crime to assault/kill a police officer than a like...why this bill?

This isn’t what hate crime legislation was created for. Police and Firefighters are not a marginalized class, so there is no need to protect them as one.

The Crown did more than drop the ball, they absolutely fucking tanked this. I’m not even a lawyer and even I can tell they did an abysmal job. Before putting those women on the stand, they needed to do their homework, verify their stories, check their phone records and email accounts for any communication between them

You know, what pisses me off is that since the story first broke in the media, SOOOOO many Canadians have said Ghomeshi’s behaviour has been an open secret for years. This is a guy women have been warning one another about, in quiet conversations, over the course of decades. And we still, for the most part, can’t do

I was very very into Jenny and Chris until it started to look like she left her husband for him and now I don’t feel so good about it. It just doesn’t feel fair. You already have a husband. You don’t get to upgrade mid-marriage to Captain America.

It’s not like asshole narcissist abusers are rare in media. He’ll have lots of similar dude-bros offering him work, so they can secretly commiserate about their conquests (ie assaults).

I think that you overestimate people by far. My money’s on him having a new, shiny gig in the next six months, tops.

You ain’t kidding. These women’s cases are exceptionally rare by Canadian standards in that they resulted in charges laid.

A Peace Bond?!? What the fuck is that? Is this something unique to Canadian law, or are there equivalents that I’m not aware of? This guy was charged with multiple sexual assaults and they’re making him pinky swear?

Maybe middle school is still too young? I almost wish it were restricted to adults. So, kids could explore while those neuronal circuits are still expanding and wiring. That which we learn at this age, consciously and subconsciously, we take for life.