
I think this is why I dislike him so much. So far he’s only really gone after people because either they have done something that he thinks is ‘sexually immoral’ or they tried to protect a loved one who did. He even got Cersei on it. It just seems very one track minded. Like you said, he was totes okay with Tywin, but

We gotta go back Bran!

He is not having visions, he is traveling in time. MASSIVE implications. May he be Bran the Builder?! HUGE repercussions!

Just because he acts like a nice man doesn’t mean that he’s a nice man.

And even his claims of being anti-corruption are just about enforcing his views of sexual morality. He seems to be perfectly fine with leaders being murderous bastards (e.g. describing Tywin as doing the gods’ will). There really isn’t anything likable about the guy.

Margaery Tyrell may be my favorite character, and if she doesn’t get to turn into the political badass they promised I will be so disappointed.

Not only them, but his followers (presumably under his auspices) went into brothels and brutally beat prostitutes and gay men. He’s a monster, and just because he happens to occasionally get pointed at other despicable characters doesn’t make him likable.

Yeah, really. Loras and Margaery are two of the more sympathetic characters on the show, and the Sparrow became a despicable character in the first place when he went after them with Cersei’s support. (That it backfired on Cersei, such that she got some long overdue comeuppance, even if it was for the wrong reasons,

The person who said “the Taliban” is correct. The Sparrows are religious fundamentalists who have sprung up from the destruction of the War of the Five Kings. Bad guys can fight bad guys. The Sparrows took Loras b/c he’s gay and Margaery b/c she lied about her brother. Margaery did a lot to ease the suffering of the

His idea of judgment and justice just doesn’t work. He has one witness that says he slept with Loras, (we know it’s true) but both Loras and Margaery say it didn’t, so why is this one person’s word enough for him to decide to imprison and coerce two members of the royal family. And the same with Cersi, her word vs

My suspicion is that the “old gods” are actually greenseers from the future. So it’s not possible to “change” the past, because greenseers were there the “first time,” if you see what I’m saying. Bran was always present at the Tower of Joy, and his father always heard him.

His stated goal is to reform the corruption that’s overtaken the crown and to help the downtrodden of Westeros.

Well, just because he’s the enemy of our enemy, so to speak, does not make him our friend. He’s a dangerous religious fanatic who has authorized the beatings of gay men and prostitutes, for starters. His followers have a frightening, cult-like fanaticism. And for anyone aware of history, we should rightly be wary of

He is hampering the plot that is why we hate him. People don’t like the Lannisters but there is a giant zombie apocalypse north of the wall that the High Sparrow is distracting Kings Landing from even acknowledging.

I haven’t spent five seasons hating Margaery. Not even remotely.


I'm guessing in the books Bran's ability to communicate is limited to Greenseers/ Wargs and Weirwood trees, which lends them their religious significance and is the reason the trees are so important to the children of the forest. In the show it looks to be a bit looser.


I think so. I think it’s not so much that Bran is viewing events from the past, he is actually there.

That was certainly my take. We weren’t given enough information to say anything for sure, but they didn’t include that for no reason.

I need some more Varys vs. Littlefinger style verbal combat