
Her plans really do work out the best if it involves killing people.

This is what kills me. He was firmly against the killing of innocent people. He was pretty clear with directing your actual vengeance at the appropriate people which for him was the Mountain for doing the killing and raping and Tywin for ordering it. And that need for vengeance got him killed fair and square. He

They have an “after the episode” thing for the show on the HBO app. They reference her being centuries old.

Which would make it the ultimate plot twist!

I fucked a guy semi regularly for 6 months and told him I had never had sex with a guy who was uncircumcised. He gave me a weird look and was like “Uh...I’M uncircumcised” then we laughed about it.

I had a female friend share this who I know is physically abused by her boyfriend.

Hasn’t that been the plot since season 1? Joined the caravan, took it over. Joined the farm, took it over. Took the prison, had the prisoners join. Fought with whatever that towns name was, merged and maintained leadership.

I wasn’t feeling it until he did that lip bite. I’ve never flipped on whether someone was attractive or not so fast before.

God that sounds horrible. I’m really fortunate that the only family that’s really conservative is my aunt and her husband. But she doesn’t bring up politics anymore and he never did.

The only good part is when they attack each other over nonsense. Carson wasn’t getting a lot of time and at one point joked “can someone attack me please?”

I’m watching because my parents tricked me. They invited me for dinner then surprise, we’re watching the debate!

Something like this happens to me. My brother is incredibly picky and I’ll eat pretty much anything. But she always mixes up which one of us is the picky one. So she’ll buy really basic food for me and a ton of variety for my brother. We usually end up switching :)

I think the difference is we saw a decline with Amanda Bynes. She went from relatively normal to throwing things out windows. Same with other celebrity meltdowns.

Because the main segment of each episode is also put on youtube he reaches out to many more people than HBO subscribers.

Her reaction isn’t that dramatic though? Like I read all the comments before seeing the video and was expecting her to be full on crying and being so dramatic. But from what I can tell she’s actively trying *not* to cry.

And Gendry. That three years of rowing saved his life.

This is my problem with the show and the reason why I stopped watching after the Governor came back. It became obvious that nothing could ever be made. They’d never have a home or society, people would always come by and fuck it up. So I would already know what’s going to happen. They find a “safe place”, people

I particularly like:

It’s the same water. You can’t help the people before the animals.

My question with this is if “scary socialism” is as effective as it has been in the past, especially when it’s not a term someone is running away from. I was reading a poll and the negative associations with the term have been dropping in the US. I’m not *not* voting with my head, I’m just not convinced it’s as