
My  thought was his kid but yes.

Very easy - America was built on the wealth of a few and the descendants of those few will fight to the death to keep it that way.

Should have kept that to yourself business moves fast these days, Hallmark are gonna have a new “Sorry but I’m not a racist” card section by Friday.

never forget the Steinbeck quote—Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Cult 45 proves conclusively how true this is ~75 years later. This idea of “the land of opportunity” is pernicious and the Republicans keep

Translation: “I charge POC higher rates with a smile on my face.”

The first thing in my mind was “this bitch didn’t write this!” That said, I think I have stumbled upon a business opportunity. I think I need to start a new business called “Racist Apologies” to help these assholes who are coming out of the god damn woodworks these days. It seems as if I would make a bundle.

I hate the i’m not a racist apologies were getting these days. What happened to at least making it sound a little like the asshole wrote it instead of clearly someone they hired?

O-H-I-Oh we some racist mofos!

The problem is only exacerbated by the sorry state of affairs in American schools. Students are rarely taught modern history (my classes never got much past WWII), and civics instruction is so paltry and basic. Republicans have done our students (and by extension our democracy) a grave disservice by letting public

The ending of that movie always bummed me out a little bit. When she goes back in time to be with him in 1876, I was like “oooooooooooh might have wanted to think about that a wee bit more. Hope you arent a fan of medicine or the right to vote.”

My mom’s old cat was like that with plastic grocery bags. It would even get super comfortable where it could continue to lick the plastic bag for as long as it wanted.

I should add, I love my dear sweet Doofus, but he is a doof. There definitely aren’t high-level cognitive processes going on in his sweet, walnut-sized brain. We’re basically lucky he doesn’t eat his own poop, he’s so dumb. 

And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?

“Name any country where this has worked”

Cats are extremely telepathic.

I think the best romcoms in the last few years have been tv shows, not movies. Catastrophe, You’re the Worst, etc.

The leveraged buyout is pretty much ground zero of class warfare. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I’d really like to see a politician actually take on this issue over taxes/redistribution, because regulating the Romneys of the world would have a much more immediate impact on a huge number of people.  If

Former reporter and editor at the NYDN here. I’ve never worked in a worse place in my life and I used to work in advertising. It was such a toxic, xenophobic and generally abusive place that I quit without having a fallback.

Against their wills, they were made to pay him for being a fucking pig.