
I experience such schadenfreude whenever the subject of Eloquii’ssucces is brought up. I was a fan when it was part of the Limited. It was doing well even though the Limited didn’t market Eloquii well at all and would only stock a few Eloquii items in store. To this day, I still believe the Limited’s actions in

When I consider a this horror would be the last scene too many of our people would see before dying, all I can say is hell is too good for this bitch and her daddy/brothers.

Didn’t know she was being “videod”? Liar.

People who hate breakfast food, are people that I can’t trust, and refuse to have in my life.

That’s because investigative reporting is something men do and silly, schoolyard gossip is something women do. That’s their entire worldview. Women have agendas, men have well-thought-out political positions. Women are vengeful, men have no agency. Women have suspect motives, men are freedom-fighters who are allowed

More like the US military doesn’t tolerate OVERT racism. There’s an article today about a bunch of former Marines who are now aiding and abetting White Nationalist causes.

9/10 racists have that southern drawl.

I thought it was going to be Ben, your dead uncle.

There are several one-legged women named Ilene who are equally disappointed in the name change.

People who get up at 5:30AM and get forced to go to “brunch” with their hungover friends at 1PM.

To me it looked like Bolton was about to blurt “Hey now, missy! That’s the President of the UUUUnited States yer back sassin’! Keep a civil tongue in yer head or I’ll show put ya over my knee! Ya hear? Now git...GIT!”

If my mom starts texting me photos of that dumbass, her number is getting blocked.

I think it’s time to close up shop on this whole American experiment here. It’s a failure. Seriously. Obama was the peak human, the best person this market-based, often cruel and unfair thing could create - but Trump is the real deal, this is what we make. Obama felt like, “wow, this thing, unexpectedly, might

I like to imagine the sound emanating from John Bolton in this picture as sort of a cross between a cats hiss and nearly silent fart.

The leader of the free world is Angela Merkel.

No he is not, he is a Big Boy, and he does NOT need a nap and he does NOT want a nap and YOU CAN’T MAKE HIM TAKE A NAP!

Hello! It’s, me...The Donald. You’re probably wondering how did I get here.

Hey now, I love you guys. I love America.
It’s your president who’s a colossal walnut.

You’re all more than welcome to come up to visit. We’ll have some affordable Maple Syrup and pancakes for you. 

That thumbprint must have been the size of his whole hand