femme fatale is such a shit trope to be trotting out in 2019
femme fatale is such a shit trope to be trotting out in 2019
who ungreyed all the cunts in this thread
you aren’t looking at anything logically, you’re a racist, and your refusal to use the word fuck instead of a cutesy euphamism means you’re a fucking child
you do realize that the boots you’re licking don’t belong to a cop or even a security guard, right? and your boy was aquitted, so what's your problem exactly?
it’s weird that the error about the armorer is still in the article three weeks later
the idea that “boomers protested the war” is an exaggeration at best. a handful of boomers protested. the rest of you have been coasting on WE WENT TO VIETNAM for 50 fucking years as if gen x and millenials didn’t go to (and are still going, 18 years after 9-11) the middle east. instead of getting up your own butt…
little emperors
too complicated for me. hope hackers enjoy looking at my ugly face and listening to me yell at my cats
oh yes how dare we expect the multi billion dollar corporation, which owns a third of everything ever, to get their crap together before launch. how. dare. we.
commercials on hulu make it look completely fake, not one person a good enough actor to make it look like they are speaking extemporaneously
I love anyone who reads smart fiction, it is especially heartening that it's a politician. usually if they read it's big font self help who moved my 7 habit parachutes
muh riiiiights
nope, its because they have micro dicks
garbage comment
Cconservatives love Israel more than they do bad comics
Hhilarious nonsense, bro
M knitter friend says that the site is now under attack from dipshits and they're having to be aggressive woth the ban hammer
Jealousy is an ugly thing. Maybe patent your ideas next time
are they a couple? SO CUTE
did some mean woman cook and clean for you against your will? poor thing