
I wish they’d stay and fight. the people of georgia need our help. they didn’t elect kemp, kemp stole the election and is now turning GA into a christian caliphate.

yeah. usury used to mean charging interest of any kind. it was sinful, according to the abrahamic religions. some muslims still won’t charge interest on loans. everyone is so far up capitalism’s butt right now that the idea only seems stupid instead of HISTORICAL

well, since most of the people writing here are different people with different opinions: what is your point. 

why care? is this really the biggest issue in your life right now? your mom must still be taking pretty good care of you if that is the case

more like trying not to go into labor because by then it’s too late issue

I feel like one shouldn’t fire siege weapons from a boat since physics and crap will just knock the boat over from recoil

idiots in the greys don’t know what communism is

you just sound like an asshole. no one even outside of an HOA wants to hear your penis revving at 7am on a sunday

very cute truck. HOAs are cunts

username... doesn’t check out? more like softmeat

this looks awesome

wendy’s is owned by a trump booster so, no big surprise that they refuse to commit to helping women

what happens when people start moving away? I am still closest to the people I befriended at a younger age, but it’s hard to just rely on old friends when they spread out all over the globe. make new friends but keep the old, blah blah blah

effing depressing. shouldn’t have to do everything right to stay alive, but this kid managed it and was still snuffed. 

i hate this choad

call them FARTs or ignore them. fuck these trolls

this isn’t a newspaper, calm your tits

the world would be better off without people who don’t want to shoot other people in the face? GET FUCKED

that’s not really a lot of guns for a mansion. I’m pretty sure I could fit ten times that many in my apartment if I took out all of the furniture.

That's a lot of crying, Chad. Aren't you supposed to be on the phone selling magazines right now?