
boo fucking hoo I guess

just say you fucked shaq and that is why the fetus is sooooo big

because they do whatever their husbands tell them such as BE PRO LIFE. they’ve been raised to not have their own opinions. 

who cares if women die? as long as the boys are safe and allowed to put their penises where they want, it’s all good

they don’t just allow it, they WANT IT. men, no matter what, no matter what crimes they’ve committed, are still better, more evolved, humans than women in their minds

so what? Waste away. we spend billions on bombs that do nothing but kill people. I’d love my tax dollars to go to a bus ticket to get an immigrant out of a concentration camp. why are YOU so concerned about the budget? 

why is the speaker in a giant glass of water

why is the speaker in a giant glass of water

I think this dipshit just wants them to die

you’re really good at insults, bad at actual arguments. shouting YOU’RE WRONG without, like, proof? links? sources? is fucking useless and not likely to convince anyone of jack shit. maybe offer us some tidbits of your vast fucking knowledge of how things REALLY ARE instead of just calling everyone stupid and hoping

more devastating than being locked in a cage under the highway? DOUBTFUL, BRO

hopefully he gets his ass kicked by a bunch of black defensive lineman. I’d pay to see his fucking face pounded in every sunday.

yeah but didn’t he rape some ladies? I am fine with supporting chelsea manning but this guy, ugh

don’t forget about the smug junior cunts in maga hats harrassing people on the mall in DC

that was a joke because america stole texas et al from mexico but you didn’t know that because you are so so so so so stupid

many morons fail to get their children vaccinated for stupid reasons, too. just because “many” people believe in a stupid fantasy, doesn’t make it a good idea. maybe if any of you dickshits gave us reasons for why you don’t want globalism that weren’t racist we’d give you the fucking time of day. unfortunately, none

fucking dipshits who think calling themselves “constitutional originalists” or “fiscally conservative” fools any of us into thinking they aren’t selfish, moronic assholes


could just drive a huge truck but I guess murdering people is easier

let’s not say FEMALES when we can say LADIES. WOMEN. it’s gross when they do it so it’s gross when we do it too

clearly didn’t hit you hard enough because you’re still here being stupid