
no one takes ugly useless trolls seriously, you mean. maybe get a job and you won’t be so poor?

lol so you are ugly and broke


haha poor little boy is crying

I was in the hall on my way back from the bathroom when I passed a classroom where a boy, who apparently couldn’t be seen by his teacher, was holding up numbers as girls walked by. I always wished that I would have just kept walking, right into the room, so that I could rip up his fucking numbers and take a shit on

bakersfield is such a turd, what a great guy for making it bearable for these people.

not everyone in the greys is a fucking troll but good to know you’ll be silencing us all just in case. 

shane west calls himself a punk rock musician. no one else does.

fucking predators move to hollywood and never get punished

gates or GTFO

grocery store sheet cake is an abomination and the food coloring they use has FLAVOR to it, like eating sweet paint

goddamn I love winston duke and I had forgotten he was in this, now I might see it in the theatre

I seriously doubt that the root’s biggest troll is the UBER TROLL that you yahoos think runs the kinjas

his mouth really is a fucking butthole

shut up with your superfluous “quotation marks” steve

why didn’t they just let one of the cats have it as a temporary toy or kill it with their bare hands like I had to when the traps didn’t finish the job

you’ve never watched someone die before and yet here you are with your shitty advice

cremation isn’t a better option, unfortunately

the real test is to have these pizzas fuck a regular pizza. if their baby pizzas (which look like pizza bagel bites) are fertile, you do not have speciation. 

I am lucky to live in a town so fearless