
I'd like to just excise episodes 2 and 3 and go from there.

She was subtly amusing in 2012. She is probably best known for Peep Show and Hot Fuzz.

I feel like it has to be pretty much all new. I suspect it will follow the lawyers… not too happy about that.

I liked the first season of The Fall, mostly because of Dornan, not Gillian Anderson. I did not like the last season.

His arc has been nice. He is now more exasperating than unlikeable.

Well, the family asked her to take it… they didn't actually hire her… maybe the CPS assigned her after she made it known she was available and willing to take it…

Desirable, sure. Not everyone has television even these days, so, necessary?


How is that not spoiling it? Why not let people worry and wonder? That's half the fun of watching a mystery/thriller/legal drama.

Are you not aware that season 2 episode 1 only just aired in the US tonight? Or are you just being a jerk for no reason?

What tv show is ever necessary?

I thought it was appropriate to make him seem like a coward trying to escape punishment.

I liked Gracepoint. David Tennant's "American" accent was fine. I love the color palette in this show. Hardy seems a bit unhinged….

Go on youtube and search for "david Tennant's various roles" and you can get an idea of his range (including a peek at his character in Broadchurch)

And that may be another difference… Anna Gunn said she shadowed a couple of FBI agents/cops and talked to some who were mothers to get their perspective of what it was like to work on heavy cases all day and go home and shut it off. She may be looking at the role differently to the way Olivia Colman did.

Honestly, part of my response came from a conversation I had with an actor friend who has said he wished the Brits would cast more Americans in British shows, because he would love to have that opportunity, but it just doesn't happen. He believes the difference to be that they care more about talent than looks. My

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic, but I will take you at face value. lol. I suspect David Tennant was cast in part because Chris Chibnall and James Strong like working with him. They and Euros Lyn, one of the other directors, have worked with him numerous times. He is often said to be one of the nicest and

I think she is just exhibiting stress in a realistic manner. I know I lashed out at people like that when I was especially stressed before I grew older and more laid back…. And we really don't know what the relationship is between her and her mom. Very little interaction with the mom has been shown, other than between

I just don't see any signs of struggle.. he still speaks pretty rapidly, maybe not 90 miles per hour like in Doctor Who… but not stilted or measured. Did his Welsh accent in United bother you? I saw some criticism of that, but, as I am not intimately familiar with the Welsh, I didn't notice anything. Or the various

How many of those are on television? And network tv at that? If it is not comedy or a starring role calling for an older person, American television is populated by very pretty young people who are not particularly versatile. Bryan Cranston is an anomaly, even for cable. Very rarely do they cast people in starring