
Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ad infinitum

Sorry for the bad news, but it looks like there will be a corresponding SMS Connect app for Chromebooks as well.

“How to Watch the Google Pixel 2 Event”


I bet they change their name now. Thanks for the hard work.

You’re not even bothering to defend your own pearl-clutching, sensationalist blog post, I see. Welp, I’m not surprised.

It’s that how the internet blog writer opinion mafia wants me to think of it? Sorry, not gonna oblige. There are far, far grosser things described in that book.

Wrong brand, Bruce. Batsymbols on your Batman stuff, Wayne Industries logo on your Bruce Wayne’s stuff. Mixing them up might tip people off to your secret identity.

This is exactly like every other interaction we’ve had with North Korea

This lawsuit doesn’t seem to have merit. The equivalent of blocking someone on twitter is leaving during a conversation. The president still has the right to never communicate with a person. Also, blocking a person on twitter doesn’t stop them from freely communicating on twitter. It blocks them from freely

lol I love how these people are of such a low IQ that they dont understand how the 1st works in any way.

I really hope Baby Driver is a hit so Wright has more clout. In an age where cinema is almost completely dominated by blockbusters, small-budget indie films, or slightly higher budget biopics, Wright’s inventiveness, that he can fund with a lower level “mid”-budget, is a refreshing tonic and the sort of thing that

Agreed. Well said, Bull Moose.

My posting history will bear out the fact that I am a proud progressive, but this article was pure liberal navel gazing.

I was waiting for the honey shot, very disappointed.

Theyre likely to replace Mephisto with loki

Haven’t we all seen this movie already? Like five times.

For reference: this is the original photo.

No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America. Everyone has equal rights by law regardless of their race. Quoting history is a moot point as white people have also been slaves if you go back far enough in history. All of which is completely meaningless as there is still no justifiable reason to