
This headline is everything wrong with STRANGER THINGS.

What a headline!

John Hamm what have you done

This is why I’m back to a blu ray collection for my favorites.

Give Yang a chance. I think he’ll continue to campaign and make real (long form) statements that have more impact over time. I can guarantee you he will not that mistake in the 2nd round of debates, one he has already qualified for.  Don’t cry automated wolf just yet.

A trailer so fucking confusing it just HAS to be Square Enix.

There is a distinct difference in a game that has something to say and a game that explicitly “has something to say.”

I wanna say this is absolutely meaningless but they are fixing Sonic so..

Not that this at all resembles that but, for me to pretend like “nobody cares” is flat out wrong.  Somebody does.

We’ve reached peak fake-outrage and then editorial about that outrage.  I pulled a muscle rolling my eyes at this.

That dude doesn’t have a single flattering photo, does he?

Is Thanos using the bifrost here? I think he used the space stone to get the hell out of dodge in Infinity War, but perhaps our heroes are bringing Thanos to them?

One more shit-inducing freak cult entry like this and I’m gonna start to worry about Ari Aster.

Yeah.  Considering a different point of view, even in conversation, is a total waste of time.

What a headline.

I think Bob Iger just recently said he considers the last installment in this trilogy to be a “course correction” which is pretty predictable and a huge bummer.

The best.

I thought “Creepy Slim Man” was actually “Sex Reviewbrah” and my brain broke.

Putting on my impartial face (and you should too if you’re going to comment) when I say:

“The HuffPost report said the fight broke out after protesters knocked a “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy’s head.”

Maybe don’t do that?

Sure.  Did you want something in direct response?  No, I won’t do those things you mentioned.

Boy--you sure took that comment about someone, who is not you, personally.