

Time to let go of the hair, Adam.

Honestly, I would say if there is one memorable performance post OT it’s Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan.  He’s almost the entire reason why I want to see more of this story on-screen.

“But it’s worth waiting for the details to come out.”

Oh my dear goodness, how wrong you are about this.

3 seasons is a solid run and nothing lasts forever, but goddamn it’s disappointing that this show will not be continuing.

Just like anything else in life, hopefully at some point you’re drawn to the act itself and it gives you peace. I’ve encountered various musicians in my life, but I’m always able to tune into those who truly love it. Likewise, I’ve been repelled by people who are “technically great” or are overly emphatic about

Not meant for: “former smokers, or never smokers.” What am I missing here?

I got in on the kickstarter for this and it is indeed amazing. I love it and use it all the time. I agree with the gripes here but the writing experience is so damn good I carry it with me everywhere. With some increased file management, software improvement, and maybe a few perks (frontlight) this thing would be a

Sure, but if you were expecting a corporation or sports franchise to be altruistic, you’ll die holding your breath. Best to consider the outcome and how it works toward your cause.

A step in the right direction, to be sure.

As a Clevelander, knowing that the franchise will own distribution rights to Chief Wahoo so that sales will maintain (and probably rise), I can only imagine the fan posturing that is headed our way.

Edit: Also the timing on this, with Cleveland hosting the All Star Game in 2019, makes a ton of sense.

“At least we’re not Det—oh...”

I’m surprised this story wasn’t up the second they recorded the final loss. I figured you had this entry written weeks ago.

I know diversity diversity diversity is the name of the game and that’s amazing but also EDGAR WRIGHT.

I think my favorite part is a group of people cheering for robots.

Wow, it’s like Del Toro KNEW I just watched Santa Sangre.

RE: Mount Eerie’s “A Crow Looked At Me”

Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ad infinitum

But wait—what app am I using to send messages on my chromebook? Is it the messages app? Please don’t tell me there’s yet another app.

This post contains discussion of rape, self-harm, and suicide.”

Is this a trigger warning? Have we arrived?