
For what it’s worth, is it impossible to have her pass away from health complications in this universe? I feel that’s pretty respectful if not unremarkable. I think I’d be ok with somebody just receiving word, and then a short funeral.

Given Han died by the hands of her terrible son, I think a grief/health related

aww :(

Not the point of the game/article, but you can definitely get them on Amazon and I have for years. Pretty much alleviates that old trope. 

Hey you guys have an agenda at all you think?

Maybe it’s possible that the entire internet isn’t 100% hollywood, and maybe the comment section of this chat doesn’t believe entirely everything that you do? And perhaps, just maybe, your twitter feed doesn’t represent the whole country? Astounding.

I hope the organization drops the logo, because then there will be an influx of awesome fan-made gear on Etsy and I can’t wait to buy all of it. And for cheap!

I support this, insomuch as we should probably hold our large corporations accountable for questionable decisions, or at least let public opinion be known and let the MLB decide.

I have big hands and feel forced out of the market. THANKS FOR NOTHING NINTENDO.

Cleveland vs. Boston, it may very well be 2007.

Dreamcatcher should not be ahead of anything (especially 1408 or even Secret Window). That movie is GODAWFUL.

Meanwhile the Tribe is a win away from the playoffs and the Cavs are reigning champs. This entire city is expecting absolutely nothing from this team. You should do the same.

From the source: We’re all watching the Indians.

SMS works, the biggest bummer is that there’s no merging of threads for non-users (it won’t take your old conversation and combine it with your new one) and if someone chooses NOT to DL Allo, the threads are essentially structured like

(Your Name): Message...

and the contact in the header is some rando 5-digit code. Not

This scene is middling. 80s nostalgia is some of the worst kind.

Joyce is a Tribe fan. Can’t argue with that.

I was once a week for about a year and a half—luckily it’s very close to my office so I just go right before work. I’m about 3 years in and go once every 3-4 weeks.

Oh believe me, with the results I’ve experienced after 3 years of treatment, it’s super rad. Absolutely worth it. It also helps me meet my deductable quickly every year so I don’t have any unexpected medical expenses.

It was once a week for over a year, then it was once every 2 weeks. I’m down to once every 3-4 weeks and it’s been about 3 years.

Google “Allergy Immunology.” It’s exactly how it sounds: building up a tolerance.