
Great, now I'm looking into the eyes of cute kids and I didn't even mean to.

One of the realizations I had when the clock struck midnight on new year's eve is that I couldn't believe DC/WB was going to go the entirety of 2015 without releasing anything, in a year where Marvel would be absolutely killing it. Splitting these films in two would probably be a good idea inside a bad idea.

That headline, that face, I knew we would all have to lose our balls.

Or each other, for that matter.

Why was Beorn's revenge so short-lived? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Maybe that show would have a 2-3 year run, and you throw a little money at Ben Affleck to make a one scene cameo at the very end of the show. Perfect tie-in. I don't get how this hasn't happened.

"...but instead took place concurrently with Batman roaming the streets."

That's all I ever wanted.

Out of all the Marvel movies in the past years, this is the one I want to succeed the most. With the loss of Edgar Wright (probably my favorite director) I more than ever want to see this movie rise from the ashes and be a big hit.


It took me many reads before I could make out the word "altruism."

I feel like if the President or his officials would have contacted Sony BEFORE pulling the movie that may have had some sort of effect. That's just me talking.

Context. Now it make sense. Enjoy!

Everyone knows that the proper time to take vacation is when actual work is going on. NOBODY works over the holidays. Taking time off now is silly.

When Skye busts out of her rock prison at the end of the mid-season finale of SHIELD I definitely had a triumphant moment.

Thankfully, it's on Netflix. Hold a private screening with your friends. Fuck yeah.

He's an unfortunate casualty, for sure. I enjoyed his take on Peter Parker and he was a fun Spider-Man but if it means a cohesive, interesting Spider-Man film for all of us, then he has to go.


Wow this got some legitimate LOLs outta me! I really do enjoy Clark Duke.

Woah, did the Enchantress see Age of Ultron? That's the Scarlet Witch.

This article fails to mention the effect cameras have on police decision making. A split second stall in a high-intensity scenario could be all the difference. Do we really want an officer to second guess apprehending a known criminal (Eric Garner was very much a known criminal after 30 arrests) because they feel as