
Not sure if serious, but as an educated human being and not at all someone who particularly likes to ruffle feathers, I agree. Changing the race of a character, and this is not at all limited to film, is just a really "meh" decision and actually, in a 2014 culture that is highly accepting in my opinion, is not even

Coming from a place of complete ignorance, do you need the $50 strap to capture heart rate? Is it possible to get a heart rate just from the wrist watch (I understand it is manually, but is the watch itself sensitive enough to get an accurate heart rate)?

I love the obvious cues from David Bowey.

Additionally, none of the rest of the team says a word. Not Drax, not Gamora, Bradley Cooper as Rocket, not even so much as an I AM GROOT, so that was also strange.

I figured it out: not a single inkling of any plot! Not that I necessarily was expecting any, there is just an emptiness in its absence.

This was a very strange trailer in some way that I can't quite put my finger on. Definitely a strange presentation. Excited, none the less.

I can't seem to get excited about Google Fiber news because I continue to hear more about advancement and less about expansion.

This is great! I don't see why they wouldn't, but I hope they still release this season on blu ray so that I may complete my collection. I really enjoyed this series and am happy to accept this into the Star Wars canon (can't say I've said that more than twice in my life).

Yes, he was in Avengers, specifically when Tony was launching his new Prototype suit, Tony was getting a call from Coulson, and probably others.

The best part about this news, is that with the introduction of Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, The Vision, and the inclusion of any other phase 3 characters, I really think they are setting up heroes for Thanos to murder, which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE.

It's interesting because, as much as we all heuristically assume that a

This is simply amazing. Home run, Marvel.


Hopefully this means some 3rd party access to media files on my Google Drive, at leas until Google gets the hint that yes, I would indeed like to access my files that I host on their servers natively through their streaming device.

Agents of SHIELD has a lot to point and laugh at, but the fight choreography has always been spot on.

Too bad this didn't include movie spots because my goodness did I love the Captain America: The Winter Soldier super bowl spot and subsequent trailer.

Not so much. He eventually becomes the US president, so he also has that social-ability that could make him an asset in a campaign. He's kind of an all around super-man, without actually being superman. A Forbes CEO type, but also technologically smart. Eisenberg can encapsulate the nerd portion, but the rest he

I'm surprised at the favorable attitude here. Jesse Eisenberg was great as Zuckerberg because he is more of the nerdy megalomaniac, but Lex Luthor is so...not. He's a great actor to be sure, but I don't think he fits the part at all.

Well shit. I guess, ultimately, I'm to blame:

To quote my brother-in-law, who I can never comfortably steal this quote from: Return of the Jedi is The Muppets.

Admittedly, though, he is not so much a cursory villain. Gimme Zemo in Cap 3, maybe as a result of the events in AoU.