
That would be an incredible turn. Nice work.

Anybody expecting the inevitable undoing of Walter White is going to be disappointed. This is a redemption story, and once again in the last episode (on the phone with Walter Jr., he still struggles with his son not understanding the concept by trailing off while saying "But the reasons..." as Junior lays into him)

So very much agreed. I think it was a little ridiculous that he WATCHED his mother stab his father, his father attempt to grab the knife from her, and then called the cops citing "my dad is trying to hurt us." It just doesn't make much logical sense.

This is certainly grounding. We sure make a big deal about these celebrities, but they're as people as soylent green.

A well placed argument.

The whole Ted thing was probably the most absurd appraisal, but it's still brash and it still happened. Your blind devotion to a character that has the moral high ground is extremely predictable, one-sided, proves you are an unwavering and ultimately unsympathetic to any cause that crosses some line you heard about

Mute button? I think that's a bit unfair. Try reading my comments, I think I have somewhat of a point. I'm not trying to be a brute about it, just throwing my emotions in like everyone else.

Not quite sure I see this ship sinking, though!


I was way too worked up about hearing what I wanted to hear. Also, Walt stayed on the PHONE that could easily be tracked on his way out to his buried money in the desert. He's not infallible.

My personality plays into this as well, I think that's undeniable. I have a wife (yay) and honestly, there isn't anything she could do that wouldn't ULTIMATELY (operative word here, of course I would be appalled/pissed) have me saying "Alright, let's sit down and figure this out." I NEVER saw that in Skyler, NEVER.

You're right in the fact that his ruination is here, but let me tell you that his wife served nothing to be more than a stranger to him this entire time. The motivation here was always family, and although I can never justify his actions, his motives are enough to make me root for Walt and hope he walks away from

Thanks, pal!

Tendencies or no, it's the actions we are appalled at here. He would have never been in this situation without a reason and that reason was always his family. I'm not saying she had to be loading the thermite on the door with Jesse and Walt, but at least show some love. I felt like she never even gave Walt a hug or


I'm not saying Walt is a hero, I'm just saying never once was Skyler sympathetic. She knew Walt before he got this way, there had to be something motivating him to begin cooking meth and I have no doubt that that motivation was his family. Of course it got distorted, but even in the beginning Skyler was always a

I'd like to believe the guise part of what you say hear, there has to be some truth to what he said. He talked long enough, anyway.

Man I totally missed that! I also didn't watch Talking Bad which I heard covered it. DAMMIT. I thought Skyler was finally getting hers, I really hate her as a character.

Is this really something we all think? I guess I was too excited at the notion of treating Skyler like shit and totally missed that. Alright, you win internet. I guess I just wanted her shot ever since she fucked Ted.

She is part owner of a car wash that launders his money. I highly doubt that was a ploy to get her off the hook, or at least not a very effective one. She has been nothing but an absolute detriment since the minute she found out what Walt was up to, and has NEVER made any chance to possibly understand his point of