
Enjoy drinking out of your lead paint cups.

I always wondered why Nintendo didn't just peddle it's classic titles, given that I know people would eat them up. Now I know that it's because they were waiting for a platform to do it on, and the 3DS is it. The only one I haven't seen that I would love is a proper rendition of Mario Tennis 3DS.

@Chernobyl: Hahaha oh shit I'm so glad I hearted you.

Apple beats Microsoft to the punch on a new carrier.

That one kid needs to understand basic shapes because he was putting that 8-track cassette in all wrong.

The building blocks of shushi:

I want my gaming and my phone usage separate. The end.

Personally, I hope they reintroduce the drink without the caffeine. The caffeine plus alcohol mix gave me the WORST hangovers. A drink that cheap ($2 by my count) that tastes decent and messes you up real good is still a great deal.

@lnlogauge: I thought I was blatant about the sarcasm, but alright.

@Demonbird: Possibly, and I don't know what's going on in his head, but I can understand that as a connoisseur of sorts (movies, that is) I never really felt like it was handholding as much as it was bringing the movies together.

@Demonbird: Well for one, I think Luke recognizes him by association (or maybe he doesn't necessarily, I mean he never says "Hey Dad!"). And concerning the de-aged part, that's hardly anything I thought about considering it's the afterlife and I'm not concerned with logic as they are ghosts, and this is a science

WOAH WIRELESS WATCHES?!! We're really making progress!

@altgrave: I mean I'd rinse off in a lake or a stream or something, but aside from that, no. I mean I suppose I could use Camp Suds or some biodegradable soap, but where's the fun in that?!

@Demonbird: I think they did a decent enough job making him look disfigured enough in Revenge of the Sith for people to suspend their belief enough to understand that he is aged and disfigured in ROTJ (I would assume it would be some 18+ years or so living in that suit given Luke's age, don't quote me on it I'm not

I was introduced to Star Wars when the original trilogy was re-released in theaters with all the CGI touch-ups, so it doesn't bother me as much as most.

The event doesn't begin till 12PM ET, at least the video I'm watching has an event countdown.

@8thManOnTheMoon: "The point is a) to find soaps that contain as few chemicals and as many natural components as possible"

I could only do this if I had extremely short hair, or no hair at all. Hair gets too gross for me to handle after a couple of days without showering with soap (I like to camp, so you might say I did the test in my own lab).

I like how #7 is just an annihilator.