
@CMYKfellow: I dont know, "bleeding-heartism" is such a turnoff for me that I can't even take it in a serious dose, but when given through such sarcasm, I just can't help but be an ass.

@Jory: Sweet!

Down is a really warm insulator, that's for sure, but too much so. Down doesn't breath well at all, and when it gets too warm, people sweat. Sweat, or any moisture for that matter, makes down smell like garbage.

Nothing makes me want to cruise maps more than something reminiscent of Dick Dale.

Verizon you seriously suck.

@knickers: You're right concerning weeks, but sets? This is pretty pointless if its not going to expound on that.

So am I to understand that you do 1 set of 10, for 2 exercises, every 2 weeks, or are there subsequent sets?

I can't even get onto the site, seems to be down.

@SKiTz: Agreed, agreed, agreed!

Well that is just downright interesting.

@jpresson1: Well, that's aside from me. Damn.

Come on people! Doesn't anyone who use Giz live in the Cleveland area?!

@spiderweb1986: I'm gonna be a jackass contrarily, strictly because I don't like being told to do things.

@Teclys: What about both weight training and running? Throw me a bone here, universe. It seems to be working well for me anyway.

Maybe for weight training I can see how this could work. Everybody's body seems to work differently for putting on weight, both fat and muscle. I had a room mate in college who went to work out with me and he has always been skinny as a rail and it seems like he always will be, stopping just short of serious drugs.

@Ding-Dang: Look at you! You're relevant!

Alright, I'll admit it. I laughed when the two cats went at it to upbeat music.

Math is still an awful demon, I don't care how you make it look.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: Due to your years of unwavering service for the Atlantic Core, you are being upgraded to the penis wing. Congratulations.