
@GohanEgret: This is the reason I'm gonna grab this system. I'm sure for many other reasons to come, but for now, its because of OOT.

I understood every word you said.......but not really.

Xenon 2 sounded like it had some high-quality dubstep in the intro.

It's gonna be a Scott Pilgrim birthday for me on November 19th. Must have the Blu Ray AND the comic book set!

@Cynical1: It's now always appropriate because in the film it was never appropriate. Funny how that works.

@Good news, everyone!: I can definitely see a surge of PSP2 sales for those people who like FPS. The dual analog sticks obviously makes for the best experience and a little bit of wifi mobile COD never hurt anyone.

A couple of problems:

@cbarrentos: Monkey Jesus would have been alot more entertaining than IRL Jesus.

Alright, so the real question is, which one of these maps will I never see because of my preferred match choices?

16.8 million colors?! I need a new box of crayons....

@CaptainJack: Now baby I hear the blues a'callin......

I guess they're the first to know when it rains. Which is always.

@skywalker24: Agreed. E-ink is an awesome technology and I would choose to keep my Kindle if its an LED/LCD display. If it was color e-ink though.....well lets just say I've gotta see it.

This is just ridiculously good. The article got it right: There are impersonations, and then there's this. Unbelievable.

@Interstella5555: Not only that but you have feature film and television series adaptation to look forward to. It will be fresh in your mind.

Well if one thing is for sure, we're all gonna go in with extremely low expectations . Hitting the mark this time will be much easier than it was with the prequels.