
I am just absolutely agog regarding the OOT release. This is gonna be one awesome moment relived.

I've gone th super nostalgic route and purchased the laser disk version at a garage sale some time ago. The sound is superb.

Nintendo has a ridiculous first mover advantage. Gamers are frugal and impatient. If you think people are going to wait around while an unannounced PSP2 makes its way to the main stage while Nintendo releases its 3DS technology along with a potentially awesome release catalog (OOT Hooray!!!) then you, like Sony, are

Just when I thought I did something important today......

So a dude's buddies know he had sex. Lets face it, he was gonna tell them anyway.

Oh my God what has been seen!

So THIS is what RIM has been doing, developing hardware and an OS for tablets. Will there be a phone port? As exciting as this is, the Blackberry phone series is lacking a decent OS and web browsing experience. Take care of your phones please, RIM.

Sounds like the right crowd, too. I'm surprised it has taken the New Yorker so long to jump onto this "hip" platform; ushering in an entire new wave of snootiness.

This is going to unleash a whole new stream of perverts.

@TheAlmeida: I'm a patsy! Kramer's the guy you want!

I actually am pretty excited about this movie. David Fincher for one, but the story behind Zuckerbergs life, whether slightly fictionalized or not, is pretty intense. Gaining that kind of authority and capital while you're in college must have been absolutely overwhelming. Not to mention his strange personality, I

Coming from an object that sucks and spits for a living, I'm not gonna unwind this epic yarn.

@bdkennedy1002: Its an announced/unannounced "food week."

@SEDAGIVE?!: I think you answered your own question when you said "with no blood relationship." In the face of science, its ok. But I do agree, if she raised the words of Happy Gilmore: "You're pretty sick, Chubs."

My dad has been making wine is his basement for years, way back to when I was a kid. People used to assume I would be drunk all the time, sadly, not the case.

I don't really know why I like spicy foods, but boy do I. I feel it has less to do with a craving hotness and more to do with expectations. We don't like hotness on everything, so we don't necessarily crave it. But when I see a bowl of chili or a burrito, you're damn right I'm busting out the hot sauce.

Planting regular porn on my pc gets you 12 consecutive high-fives.

4 gig of storage......I remember using these in our comp. lab in gradeschool and I feel like it held more than that. Word Munchers was probably like, 20 mb.....

I just can't seem to get excited about this title, especially after really getting into reach. If I want COD, I've got a franchise. If I want Battlefield, I've got another. I don't need anyone to bridge that gap.