
Man......Pinkerton is such a good album too....

@SkipErnst: I'm sure they would if they could.

Sheek the Dyke

@gtuned: If you ever doubt that there is a reason to live, just remember how awesome boobs are.

OH MAN! The names of these Pokemon are hilarious.

I don't but tech news about PC mice just isnt exciting. Its just a mouse, used to point and click at the things I want. I could care less how I get the things I want, I just want the things I want.

@Martian Yeti: Just when I was about to go 5 seconds without thinking about boobs.....almost.

I think its a big bag of "I don't give a shit."

What is giz's obsession with bikes? I'm just not getting this.

@YellowRex: Who plays an FPS on a computer, period?

Coming from a guy who has trouble sharpening a pencil: It needs work.

Its still only 1 game at a time anyway. It seems like the shadow version of [yourself] can pretty much do anything, like walk through electricity an such, but its the real version of yourself you pay attention to.

Was that a commercial during In Living Color?

I think I'll just run a video of this thing on my desktop.

@ttocs: The joke's on you, marriage is the worst! I'm not even married, just being an ass.

Damnit, I'm so poor......

Nothing makes me wanna surf like some serious SKA music! I'm gonna go for a guess and say thats Mustard Plug.

@Architectin: LOL hipster cred is worth a PBR and half a coffee.

I think this is more of a lesson in bad ideas. Although it sure does look cool, I don't really understand where the strings are tightened, I don't see tuning pegs. Were the strings manufactured at just the right length and have ball catches at both ends? 2 sets of pickups? Why? Sounds like proof of concept.