
I have only said like 10000 times I will be a private citizen in January.

It’s also super shitty that trans people need to ‘pass’ in order to live openly according to their gender identity in even the most forward-thinking of cities (not just in the US, but everywhere).

Ooooooh, we forgot roasted beets. Great for a sandwich.

I have some sympathy for this position (he’s a little over his head, but he’ll figure the specifics out soon enough), but he’s been arguing from the floor of the Senate that Wall Street execs should have been prosecuted for years. Finding out that he doesn’t know whether there’s even a law under which they could be

Sorry in advance but I’m jacking this thread... new baby born a couple of hours ago. First of the season. She’s ADORABLE!!!

Saw this fair counterpoint to that on Twitter:

Not a single person anywhere on this thread or in the post said you should be ashamed. Not a one. Literally no where. Perhaps listen to the song and reread the post.

Just you!

I miss Mesereau.

It’s interesting for me to hear that side of it, because the fact is, I’m VERY assertive and have been all my life, thanks to my specific personality and a pair of attorney parents who valued that very highly in me. I thrive on confrontation, I’m very communicative, I say no with absolute glee most of the time. I get

If there is a woman alive who has not had this experience, I’d like to meet her, because she is a rare, rare creature. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story and elaborating on the complexity of consent. So many people want to make it a black-and-white, yes-or-no issue, and the more people who stand up and say

To echo an earlier commenter, it's cruel and unnecessary to mock this kid for writing a song for his brother.

As toolish as this is, I also feel weird about putting this up to make fun of. I’d rather ignore it. This isn’t Chet Haze. This is some guy whose learning disabled brother was railroaded and sent to life in prison. Maybe his rap is douchey and he’s a douche but I can’t necessarily make fun of the sentiment.

Trump: Make America Great Again

But in the last 100 years or so, you really haven’t seen atrocities “in the name of <insert religion>“ where religion does not equal Islam.

islamic culture or extremist fundamentalism? bc the latter seems pretty compatible with the values many people in the west on an equally fundamentalist front seem to have (i am thinking in particular of religious fundamentalists that think the morning after pill is killing babies and that women who leave the house to

For what it’s worth, these douchebros made a sign that sounds like they want to call the father’s “Daddy,” not that they want the daughters to call them Daddy.

they key phrase in freaky friend fiction is fiction, but you actually seem like up to 11 mad so i’m sorry for teasing.

Worked at Starbucks for 2 years and never corrected anyone on the sizing names and never saw any of my coworkers correct anyone. If someone asked for a small, they got the smallest coffee. I’m not an idiot. I know what small means. But what I did see constantly was customers pretending to be all confused/offended by