salaminizer, it's a me the

Few for OSX that helped my transition from Windows to OSX environment. are putting your right cheek to their right.

WTFSIMFD (Android/Web)

Oh how that would be nice to be asleep in 15 minutes... My mind takes forever to let me sleep some nights, if I'm physically active all day (hike, water/snow ski, etc) I can sleep quickly, but require 9 hours vs. 7...

Is this the new modern version of Mega Race?

Good. That's the sort of RPG I paid them to make.

Perhaps the thieves were from a James Bond movies and thought that taking the monitors was all there was to stealing a computer. You know, like how shooting the monitors is all it takes to destroy a computer.

I like how all these "90's cartoons grown up" involves everyone turning into either models or hipsters. Are all these made by the same artist or do they just happen to have similar styles?

That scenario is so catfishy that an entire aquatic ecosystem burst out of my computer and I now must live in fear of alligators.

Or did you? Since he's dead, he was just Temporary Penny.

I was about to say how Sim City-ish it looks with the isometric perspective. Very cool.

I came here expecting to see some time lapse gifs showing how the work progressed, so I'm a little disappointed. From pristine to major metropolis in two images is not exactly what I hoped for.

and you can only find fast food and Chilli's.

will this abomination ever die?

Redditor ktrcoyote has envisioned a world where Pokémon is a free-to-play game for iPhones, and the results are hilarious. Pokémon: All The Bravest has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

since it's supersonic, they will not have to worry about leeking

The first toilet i encountered in Japan had a warning label posted above it saying: "when you sit on the seat, automaticaly the water flow. Wait for the cool water sign off for lamp to wash".