
Seriously I was like “wait people are confused by the London Underground Map?”

I would hope the last 10 years or so worth of horrible PC launches would make them consider things a little more carefully than just the WB thing would.

Going for a “business guy” is kinda logical.

Why buy the bad copy when you can get an original?

I’m starting to get tired of the Russian dashcam videos.

Don’t worry. I agree with you. People are just so eager to get outraged about anything these days, and the Net brings out the judgy people. You didn’t say or do anything wrong.

You must be new to the internet. Welcome! A piece of advise new comer - needlessly correcting grammar and word definitions is always super obnoxious to everyone.

Also: PNG, genius.

You make it sound so easy! Let me just sit here staring at my kernel for the next 3 years wondering why I can’t compile it properly with vague missing kernel header problems.

I thought that “amirite” was universally understood to mean a joke, but some people don’t understand humor.

Don’t quote me on this, but I think yes they do, but only in places such as the center of stars and other high energy things in the universe, where the particles inside are being smashed together just like in the LHC. Also, during the Big Bang, I would imagine. At least that’s my understanding of this stuff.

“I’m endangering the hype train, I shouldn’t have commented...”

I’m really looking forward to the film, but at the same time I can’t but help:

Top. Men.

Top. Men.

Board the D train...

On no planet does the hair in that gif look close to being as good as the hairworks hair, never mind better. Don’t be daft.

Welcome to 2014