
Even cooler, this scheme lets up to three people in one room play together to pilot the craft. One person can be the pilot—they use a Wii Remote or Classic Controller to steer the ship; one person can be the science officer—they use a Remote or Classic Controller to scan or illuminate things; one person can be the

Scott Manley is my hero... Savior of Kerbin!! lmao

It's more like "My game got great reviews, but not excellent reviews". I think my career meta critic average for games I've worked on is like 82-84, and I'm quite proud of that, because almost all of the games I've worked on have been games with very limited budgets, timelines, and small teams. It's extremely

Apparently, TLDR has already superseded both.

I'll start my own internet! With blackjack and hookers!

Fuck Molyneux. Seriously, fuck him where he breathes. With as much time and experience in the industry as he has, he should be able to set manageable goals and milestones for whatever project he takes on at this point. He isn't some wet behind the ears developer.

"Man's 'Wikipedia' edits mostly comprised of deleting 'comprised of'"

Yes sir, the inane ramblings and posturing of a clearly mentally unstable man is all you need to deflect any and all criticisms and to shame anyone who disagrees with you about video games, because certainly they must be on 'his side.' Get over yourself, good lord.

The only person who has "focused attention" on Brianna Wu is Brianna Wu.

Dude is doing pretty good with the fact that he's in a Aurora, the one ship a lot of people over at Star Citizens forums are saying it's a sucky, useless ship. Again it's not the ship it's the pilot that will make or break ship for combat.

...a new wingless space plane...

Yeah, I don't know, my transition lenses work great outdoors, in my opinion. The only issue, which is a big one, admittedly, is driving. That's the real bummer.

Spacebase sold really poorly, so it was discontinued. Sucks, but that was the deal. They then released the source code for it.

I have no idea who any of those actresses are.

Okay, this is the second time I've seen someone actually gripe about the use of Comic Sans in a freaking comic (and I've been telling people about the first instance for years)! Seriously, folks, there's no such thing as a bad font. (Well, actually, there is — but that has more to do with technical issues like

"need you home a sap"

Oh, you're adorable.

Why would you ditch a piece of hardware for software?

This isn't the first time Microsoft has forced a new UI on an unwilling audience, either. The first "ribbon" UI for Office 2007 allowed next to no customization at all, and no path to revert back to the traditional menus.

I put about 250 hours into Dragon Age Inquisition and now I feel sad, wish it were LONGER! I love long games and I feel like I got my money's worth and THEN some out of this title. Some games I wont bother with if it has no replay value. Like The Order. Doesnt seem that it'll have any kind of replay value and is