
A rapidly flashing red light in front of you gets your attention quicker.  First time I saw one was in Germany 10 years ago, and then I wondered why we didn’t have it in the USA.

Matt Novak is not a bright man and you shouldn’t listen to him either. [Especially since he doesn’t have a doctorate in any credible field of study, and is a blogger.]

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Amazing you didn’t even bother to watch the video where he states the reason for this. Y’all keep living in your bubble lads. I’m amazed by how people just want to see enemies where there are none, and dehumanize other’s for human mistakes. Hold yourselves to the same standards lads. hope you have never offended

I defy you to come up with any legitimate examples of him “flirting with the White Supremacists” or “Neo-nazi’s” with any kind of context. The fact of the matter is, there is none. Anyone who actually watches his videos can tell you he never has actually done anything remotely racist with any kind of racist intent.

Evolution isn’t the end-all-be-all of life and often gets stuff pretty wrong and warped over time. Gender is the obvious example but there are plenty of others.

You just made things so much worse.

Acting like a child isn’t a gendered quality. Nice try, child.

Playing the sexism card toward a comment about your naivete only drives home the point that you’re a naive child.

Libby, young children of both sexes are wet behind the ears. You’re whipping the sexist card prematurely and losing all credibility in the process.

Can someone make a list of what movies these are from?

Worth noting for anyone who doesn’t know - if you’re interested at all in the technical details behind your favorite pastime, Digital Foundry are the bomb.

Ho-h0-hold on a second. This card has a substantial dollar value attached to it.

I’m not sure I’d want to see a zombie’s flabby and dessicated boobs. This is coming from someone who is a big fan of boobs.


What is that from?

Rumor is that they’re getting out of that cycle.

Brilliant. Thank you Salamihawk.

You may have no name, but you are a hero to me! Take this star, and go forth!

Bag of Thrones. That was beautiful. Mind officially blown. Thank you for that.