
Remarkable achievement despite the pyrotechnics show...can't wait to see the real deal

You sir... Are an idiot.

OK, look. I'm a card carrying New England republican. You know, the kind that used to be the majority in the party. Fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Small government, big civil liberties.

Whoa! I'm getting the hell away from you!

The unequivocal answer to that question is that it makes you the most punchable.

I got it on PS3 at launch but stopped playing when pc version was announced as I knew I'd be enjoying it more on that platform..

A delayed PC game is eventually Glorious!

are you sure you bought a pc? Maybe you bought a Sega genesis

Right?! My 2 and 3 year olds make alarm clocks unnecessary.

pretty sure 19yrs is not a kid, is a full grown adult

Welcome to my kids. Although they don't shove me into the bathroom. But they do eyeball me.

My thoughts exactly. I'd like to hear some sage wisdom on what to do about the fact that my kids (3yrs and 4yrs) wake at 5am everyday and come bouncing into our room to try grab my ipad or ask if it's time for breakfast yet.

Who said two fucks a minute, dude?

It's in a galaxy far, far away OKAY MR NITPICK

"Shitmuffin" is not used nearly often enough. #RupertsFault

Murdoch, too.

Bruce Willis was dead at the end of Sixth Sense. #RupertsFault

I slipped on some ice on the sidewalk today. Thanks a lot, Rupert.

You are not right, and I am upset that you beat me to this low hanging fruit.

"You know vaht time it is.