
You forgot.

Zsa Zsa always played fast and loose with her datasets.

Things he has done in 6 years.. Passed Healthcare, Killed Osama (Yes he is DEAD, we don't need pictures), Saved the auto industry (millions of recalls yes, but it was saved from bankruptcy), Saved Wall Street, Added 10.6M new jobs, Dow is at an all time high along with corporate profits, we are more respected around

Solution: turn on cellular data. How are you that dumb?

"Let the Right One In"

They'll need a flat out spacesuit as neither the earth, the solar system or the galaxy is in the same place it was yesterday, much less millions of years ago. What they'll always need is a ship or device that takes them through time and space.

"So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it's worth the trade-off with my own privacy."

Ubisoft: "Ugh, looks terrible. No one wants that."

They won't even give us the courtesy of a reacharound.

*Or African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Liberal Men, Homosexuals, Transexuals, Young Men, or Progressive thinking Individuals

She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" - basement dwelling Hot Pocket swilling MRA activist "Why don't women respond to my advances like Laura Croft responds to the B Button" white bread fucktrolloping fedoras with dicks that give the rest of us a

"Talking about something usually doesn't destroy it."

Are you even serious!? Calling millions of people terrorists KKK, child molesters and whatever else you can think of is 'talking'?

Forcing people to drop or stop identifying as gamers, geeks, nerds and so forth, and criminalizing that!? It's bullying same as it

It doesn't matter what the world population is, what matters is who is buying your games. Even when you consider that women are playing games more nowadays, that's usually because mobile games like "candy crush" (does that game have a female protag? I never played it) are included. But the games that are being

Video games already had a the most creative freedom out of any of the latest media outlets.

You want a game about depression, someone made one.
You want a game about shooting up Terrorists? They made one.
You want a game with bouncing boobs? They made one.
You want an artsy game with great visuals and story, but not

I have to admit I didn't read the Alexander piece, but this line about a cesspool of rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture", that is SUCH BULLSHIT, but that's the line that's been drawn. I've been gaming for quite a while now, and I'll challenge that notion that the culture is dominated with misogyny any

"The thing that is absolutely stupid about GamerGate is that it treats women like objects to be owned and silenced via harassment and threats of violence on the grounds that it is unfair to say that women in games shouldn't be treated as objects, property, silent bit parts, and targets of harassment and violence."


You might want to watch that second person "you" when speaking about the straight-white male demographic. I'm a minority. A bisexual Mestiço, particularly. #NotYourShield

Take just a moment to not mis-identify those you're arguing with, and perhaps people will... not take you for a moron!

Being an asshole sometimes comes with consequences. As it should be.