
incorrect. most tablets have a micro hdmi port. i bought a micro to regular hdmi cord 15 feet long for 7 bucks just last month. also, there are many hdmi streaming devices where you put and hdmi dongle in the device and one in the reciever that goes into the tv if you prefer wireless. as for remote controls, just use

YOU'RE an elaborate workaround, HA!

I'd hate to be that jackass, but if you rely solely on the cloud and have no backups, you are a dumbass.

People need to learn to have backups, not just for their digital lives, but also IRL.

So things that are good for us when exposed to insane temps should errupt rainbows and kisses for all?

So you don't think that downloading executable code with your browser isn't a security risk?

If you think something is wrong because you fear punishment or seek approval from a magical man in the sky, you are far more amoral than a nonreligious person who does good for no direct reward or punishment.

Honestly, theXboxOne, and PS4 don't do anything different etiher. Just weaker PC boxes, and that is about it. It mostly comes down to exclusives for consoles, which is why i am mostly a PC gamer, and only buy consoles for their exclusives. Wii-U wins that part hands down, and is easily played more than my PS4, and

I found it! I found the baseless angry fanboy's whiney post!
Do I win anything Kotaku?

I'll be picking up a WiiU sometime after the release of Smash Bros, but this one is also a certainty on my must buy list. I don't actually own a copy of the original(though i played it for about a dozen hours!) so this is a nice way to make up for that dispicable sin.

First two days on sale would be more accurate, as it was released on the 20th and the sales figures are for the 15th to the 21st.

"Apple gave me a free album, but I didn't want it."

This really is a catch 22.
Here's the issue: The Wii U needs a nice pile of third party titles. Ubisoft says the Console isn't selling enough so it won't bring games to it.
Meanwhile the game has been released already on other consoles, and has effectively been proven to be mediocre at best.
People aren't going to buy

The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.

Surprised at the amount of detail on figures like Peach, Link and Fox. Wasn't expecting them to be so, well, good. I once paid a similar price for some Nintendo figures from the NYC store and they were about the same, only they didn't also double as in-game perks/items/whatever.

I think girl at 1:35 is looking forward to another hit.

You... became Eisenhower's Presidential Librarian?

"Rouge Encampnment"

Here's a huge gallery with almost every key location from Diablo II. From Act 1's Rouge Encampment to the snowy slopes of Arreat in Act 5, all remade in Minecraft.

Yeah, but you still need Xbox Live to play

This is my favourite post on the Citadel.