
Why is it worrying? If I lived in China, I'd be happy.

It's pretty silly to let stuff like a game's plot get in the way of having fun as a couple.

As a fan of Cake Boss, at first I was scared of how this could kill the human art of cake decoration. However, I quickly realized this could ramp up production and make cake decoration easier, allowing bakers to do more in less time. The human element will still be needed even with machines like these. These machines

I laughed so hard, a little pre came out.

I'm an idiot. I read the headline and scrolled through the pictures and tried to see the mosquito in each one.

Everything is easy and trivial for internet commenter #542,021,881.

I was going to reply to this, but you've done a much better job than I could have. Thank you.

I agree with you, more so as a women.

Patricia, I'm pretty sure you stole my cat. I'm gonna need you to publicly apologize.

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person shouldn't

Here, here. As a feminist, I have no problem with someone publicly accused of rape focusing first on defending themselves, unless they did it, then fuck them. And this is why I think the question of "did he do it?" actually matters

Couldn't agree more. What a horse shit, biased article.

I was halfway through reading this and realised I didn't take note of the author. Then I assumed it was Patricia.

He has a Penis! He is insensitive and Still he has a Penis! Vilify this man. He is a monster. Shame on him and his penis! His very existance is oppressive. jail this Criminal now!

You're 100% right. Her post is a cesspool of shit. And that's why she'll never respond to you.

yeah i agree, if i honestly was 100% sure i never raped a girl and she comes out ten years later saying i did, i would have also responded with "i absolutely never raped her, but if she considers our consensual make out session rape then im sorry, but i never raped her"

He's right, Patricia. Your post is utter bullshit. I am not a hater of yours at all and I cannot believe what you vomited on this page. Your entire post is written with the impression that no matter what happened 10 years ago, somehow he did something wrong.

There isn't a shred of doubt here, you didn't even remotely

I've heard those numbers and I'm not denying them, but an innocent person is an innocent person even if it's only 2-8%.

Feminists won't be satisfied until college students routinely exchange waivers before making out.