
Angler is a term used to identify someone who fishes with a hook and line, be it rod/reel or hand lines ect. It is a term used to differentiate one type of fisherman from another, like gill netter, long liners, purse siens, harpooners ect. Anglers can fish while standing in the water, on the shore or in a boat. While

I'm sorry, but to me, that doesn't really sound like rain.

I started reading that in the voice of Ogre, then for some strange reason it shifted to Shelly Marsh halfway through. It was... odd

I got to :29 when I discovered the problem: I wasn't bored, I was annoyed, and I didn't see the value proposition in continuing for another 2:31.

Agreed. They basically knew in advance where the plane was going to be, and they still couldn't stop it from delivering its payload. That just blind-fired a bunch of missiles in the general vicinity and hoped for the best, and got lucky. If we're using the F-35 on a deep-strike mission, yes, its possible that it won't

The studies done after the 2010 epidemic showed a link to the anti-vaxxer movement. Here's that link for you again.

The only way to get the anti-vaxxers to listen to reason is for their kids to die in large numbers. The sooner that happens, the better off we all are.

Lemme fix that there headline for ya. "The Marines Are Building An Anti-Drone Weapon—And, Yep, It's A (open air quotes) Laser (close air quotes).

Sorry, but as an animator, women move differently. You'd want them to when working on a game like this too. It wouldn't be two days work. It probably wouldn't need all 8000 animations (lol @ that number btw) but there'd be a considerable amount of work. Then you have to do the entire game's main character audio

Of course, right? It's so easy to be ready for a deadly impact when an out of control elevator is going up at blinding speed and you don't know what the hell is going on. Everyone should be ready for such an eventuality. I'm sure you would have survived—you seem really smart!

And that's the type of chick you don't wanna be with anyways, no loss there.

Don't worry, Sergey, Google+ isn't very social either.

as in every time he picks up the phone he accidently starts a hack and bad things happen. the comic is pretty easy to understand

I must say I don't quite get the placement of the emphasis in that sentence.

Granted I'm no expert on the Russian language, but there was absolutely no change in intonation when someone RAN A FUCKING CAR OFF A BRIDGE.

Choice of photo - major win!