
"The issue? Whether Adam and Eve were the progenitors of humanity."

I am a child of the Universe. My creature-hood is majestic in nature. My existence is a mathematical impossibility, yet here I stand in all my magnificence—but I gotta say, that 50" Samsung looks pretty sweet.

Sears Tower has the "Ledge" and now the Hancock building has "Tilt". Not to be outdone the Trump Tower has decided to just start throwing people out the windows.

Beats by Dre are more profitable than Beats by Chris Brown.

My best friend in high school passed a Barney .WAD file around our group that turned all of the enemies in DOOM into the friendly purple dinosaur, and converted all of the monster sounds into, "I love you, you love me..."

To use the quote from George RR Martin:

"The large view is that I would love to see bad companies, like most of the big banks that did such damage to the economy, be killed, I mean gone, all the top brass in jail, all the board members in jail, period."

Ugh, your faith in the free market is predicated on what they tell children.

I've always pictured Steam like this.

I give your Monty Python quoting a 3. Out of 10. That's a failing grade.

I believe this article may have been written without a full understanding of the industry.

99.9% of buttons on Apple devices last for longer than you will own the phone. Am I right?

>control your desktop remotely from within Chrome

"Get some Febreze or something!" has meme potential written all over it.

fail to intercept those damn RUSSKIES

Consider my assumptions checked. Given the fact that both of them have kids, however, only underlines their douchbaggery, especially from Boomer, who should have learned something from having a sick kid himself. (Lord knows I know what that's like) I'm glad he got called out and had to apologize.

Electrodynamic suspension cares not if your metal is ferrous. That shit's gonna levitate.

I looked it up; apparently aluminum is paramagnetic and may react to an external magnetic field.

I just hope that to this day, these execs, and the hundreds just like them, are still alive and eating their words with a massive spoon.