
Can we call it Ganon Canon?

It will when in 60 years some basement dweller comes up with the idea that the SpaceX landings were all a hoax

They really should have named 68 and 69 “Beavis” and “Butthead”... Europa, Ganymede, Io, Beavis, Butthead, Callisto...

The company I work for is an IT outsourcing company. We host the corporate networks and server infrastructures of hundreds of medium to large businesses. Ransomware like this comes in all the time and every time the procedure is the same: lock the user’s privileges, quarantine the client machine, restore backup, slap

...painted in photoshop at a size that made the most powerful Apple desktop computer currently in existence groan under the weight!


At least he has a good sense of humor about it all


You do realize there is nothing to proclude a developer from running a 32bit application inside a 64bit operating system right? 


Fuckin’ A.

What if it turns out that Corey Bunnell was the one who pitched the idea of every weapon breaking like a twig?

But... Poor Kackpeppe... got mistaken for Kackpappe...

Also: we send up lots more nowadays than we did back then, so there are more failures overall, but I’m willing to bet that spacecraft are, in general, more reliable than they were in the 70's.

Same here... I’ve seen this shit before.

The one thing we won’t do is waste our customers time...

That’s assuming that you can get on the same network that the Wi-Fi cameras are on... and that they’re on Wi-Fi too.

“Dessicated” is a great fucking word. Props, man!

This is all so ridiculous. I can’t help but feeling like the whole country is being fucking trolled.