
Only nerds and cucks read Chaucer in high school...

“...If there’s anything that game definitely needed, it was everyone’s favorite Aether Foundation member crushing people with her thighs.”

Mind blowing fact: We’re all distantly related to Benedict Cumberbatch.

Remember when everyone was suckin’ Rousey’s dick and talking about how fucking awesome she was?

Colonel Broccoli has got to be one of the greatest names ever.

8 pm Pacific, a.k.a. “Fuck you, Europe!”

Yes, like the theories of evolution and gravity, amirite? :D

The venetian space-blinds experienced a malfunction


I give it about 5 years before we start hearing about how men who have had their heads grafted onto female bodies should be allowed to use women’s bathrooms.

Now playing

I’m sittin here watchin that video all like:

That’s been the rumor every cycle, though... just sayin’ :)

Won’t the next iPhone be the iPhone 7s and be largely the same as this year’s model only with minor tweaks to performance? Y’know, like it’s been since forever?

Why do all that bullshit when I can just SSH into my Linux box and check the uptime?

The Switch definitely has my attention, but I won’t be pre-ordering it and I sure as shit won’t be selling my Wii U to get one.

In the video, top men from EA, Ubisoft, Activision and other game studios rave about the Wii U.

Pre-order now? No fuckin’ thanks.

The fuck is up with all this 4k talk? Of course it can’t do 4k. The PS4 Pro is struggling with native 4k, and it’s the size of a fucking house compared to this thing.

There’s no way this thing comes close to the processing power of either the XB1 or the PS4.

Now playing

My reaction after reading the article and looking back up at the headline pic.