
Yeah, but does it work properly with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition?

Ivo is German, so both.

A paper bag is disclosed.

You and me both... I’m so fucking stoked :D

Now playing

When I read the headline, this was what immediately popped into my head:

I don’t have the #images app. Why don’t I have the #images app? My iTunes account is American... my phone’s region is set to USA... but I still don’t see the app... wtf?

“Apple 7?” Ok, grandma...

Wow, Anna Merlan, what a great suggestion! Hey everyone! Anna Merlan just suggested we should listen to what Stassa said! Way to go, Anna Merlan!

What a boring fucking presentation

Of course it’s complicated, otherwise the person doing the haircutting can’t justify the $50,000 bill they send to the studio.

Arabic is often included in European packaging materials.

Oh my god, it’s fucking perfect! If I didn’t know these were Donald Trump quotes, I’d swear they were real Zapp Brannigan quotes!

They were breached... Sexually...

All of this and nobody mentioned the absolute shit ending to Medium?

Poor server architecture could also be a cause of child annoyance, which is apparently a crime... Annoying a child... Is illegal...

Of the vast musical palette that is the entire Star Wars soundtrack, literally *any* other song would have been more appropriate for this video than the fucking cantina song.

Little known trivia: that was actually in John Williams’ initial cut of the Imperial March

If Melisandre is The Red Woman, then after what Cersei did in combination with that dress, I suggest we refer to her as The Black Queen

Highly intoxicated male in Green Bay, Wisconsin?