
The soldier in the foreground of the picture up top must be some kind of super hacker; he’s got two phones!

True of most products, I’d imagine?

They don’t ship an adapter in the box. At least not in Germany.

Everybody in the world standardized on micro-USB. Apple refused. In the EU apple devices actually use micro-USB because it’s required by law.

Could have saved a lot of server disk space by condensing the entire review to “same shit, different skin.”

Now playing

What’s the benefit to fully autonomous?I would not want a weapons systems deployed the name of protecting my freedom that doesn’t have a human being pulling the trigger.

A former Pentagon official is warning that autonomous weapons would likely be uncontrollable in real-world situations thanks to design failures, hacking, and external manipulation.

WTF... I didn’t write that!

It’ll be Rey. And there will be much rejoicing.

I say we call it “The Flying W”

No one knows what the word “literally” means anymore.

I’ve seen his work before. This guy is a solid animator.

They made it darker.

Man, y’all got some bad luck. My mom’s turning 67 and she’s always surprising me with how well she gets things done with her computer. She’ll text me asking me a question and then a few seconds later will write “Wait, nevermind, figured it out!”

The crab didn’t pick up the knife itself. In reality, the blade was almost certainly jammed into the crab’s claw, and the crab can’t let go.

Yeah I don’t think the sketch is meant to be canon.

Oculus: $600

Apple has no obligation to create a new software application to unlock a phone for any owner or the US government, when that application can be used to unlock every iPhone in existence.

Sorry, but if that picture is any indication....he has stubble, not a beard.