
What if a standing ovation is a huge insult in japanese culture?

I file stuff like this under “black men are still men,” ie, they might be marginalized for their skin, but they still treat women like shit.

It’s Telltale. It’s The Walking Dead. Who cares about the details?

Thank you for posting this. I needed to listen to this song again!

I think this is actually far more intuitive. Using a mouse to manipulate objects in 3D is very difficult. Placing objects in a world using your hands will give game maps an incredible organic quality that could never be matched using snap-to-grid and mathematically accurate placements.

Honestly though, how would the world be different the next day if this was dropped in the middle of a few choice countries? it would be huge.

Very bad idea.

...people just aren’t grabbing America’s nuts like they used to ...

“50% of us live near the coast,” Microsoft says. “Why doesn’t our data?”

It was however, abnormal and unprofessional.

Just make meatatouille... replace all those pussy-ass plants with sliced meats: chicken, turkey, pork, beef, venison.... mmmm

pff... not accurate until they bring out Neckbeard Barbie.

This $2,000 Wireless Speaker Is Mind-Blowing

I’ve found the culprit:

The flash function that the iPhone 6s has on the front screen is really nice for dimly-lit selfies with friends in bars, and I’ve been impressed sometimes with how well the rear flash works for close-distance shots (within a few meters), but it’s useless for longer-range.

... 2-spirited?

But that’s like Opera’s turbo boost, right? You can turn that on and off at will?

I’m gonna go out on a limb to say it’s because rubbery bodies are simpler to render then ones with bones?