
Much like the Spanish Inquisition, nobody would be expecting carrier pigeons.

Nobody noticed an oil and gasoline sheen on the pond years ago?

“Why God waited nine years, I have no idea. But we’re happy.”

This is fantastic news! This means we can finally stop hearing about Ronda fucking Rousey!

Space-Based Infrared System, or SBIRS

I just discussed this conundrum with my wife not two days ago. I’m sending her this pic right now to show that I’m right :)

The dog will get back up, you don’t need to use a stimpack on him...

in b4 patch!

18 months? Jesus, no wonder the Union won.

Doc Brown had a personal grudge against Gaddafi

I mean... it even LOOKS like DEFINITELY a missile... some people just try so hard to be ignorant...

... cool story bro?

...and I’m holding out for Boyrga to be his kid...

This Is Why NFL Star Greg Hardy Was Arrested for Assaulting His Ex-Girlfriend

I keep thinking that it would be fucking mind-blowing to find fossils on Mars.

Damn you! I wanted to post that!

Why the fuck is the right eye always covered? Is that some kind of psychological movie poster trick, like the orange and blue phenomenon?

She sounds like a real cunning linguist!

Yeah, that Galaxy S6 Edge is super cheap..................