
Nope. All they know is “Oh, look, this one’s cheap!”

Really. Give me *one* reason why it was written in that idiotic way with two different conditionals...

“Zero” will appear on Brown’s forthcoming album Royalty.

That’s incredible! Quite a lot of ambition for such weak hardware, amazing how well it actually works!

Or like, wait a month or two after all releases to see if the game is trash?

And the CDROM drive was probably just a slot you put these bigass cartridges in and you had to put the CD in the cartridge, right? I remember that bad-boy all too well :D

Back in the early 90’s, I was one of the first kids on the block with a gaming computer. A gaming computer back in those days was basically just a computer with a sound card :) I had the original Sound Blaster, and included with the sound card was a whole suite of demo software, not least DR SBAITSO, a sort of

(a) what’s in it and (b) in what condition are the chickens kept?

National Hot Dog and Sausage Council

Mmm. It’s almost November, but fuck it, I’m gonna fire up the grill and have me some grilled muthafuckin salmon. Pink, of course! None of that “wild salmon” bu’shit!

The goal of the game is to crush disasters as quickly and economically as possible and then to hear the lamentations of the women.

That’s one powerful fuckin’ librarian.

I.... I had to google “Hortisculpture...”

But how did a virus from Africa get a German name?

CEOs are hyperbolic so that they can motivate their employees and get more performance/loyalty out of them. Like all the cadence singing in the military or propaganda.

These transient Orcas are gonna bring the end of the Victorian Coast. One minute they’re demanding asylum, the next minute they’re taking our jerbs!

I’m more impressed with the one guy’s ability to judge height so perfectly from such a long distance.

In order to do that you have to delete the SSID. Maybe he doesn’t want to delete the network entirely and is just barely out of reach of his home network, maybe?
