
Yeah that irritated me, too.

“Get yer ‘flat’ design language offa mah Innanet!”

Photos still look like the same old phone pics.

What To Make Of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, One Month Out

Watch the Spectacular Demolition of a Power Station’s Huge Chimneys

They’re practically fast.

See how the road dips down in the middle in the photo above? They almost reached critical snobbery mass there. A few more Parisians and it would have hit that critical point and an event horizon would have formed.

Adjusting for inflation, it was sold at a loss!

It should be.

MFW reading this article.

Since the trait is apparently widespread, I have to assume that the genitals that form are fully functioning, correct? Meaning that the males with this condition can procreate, thus ensuring the spread of the trait.

I just wanna know how fuckin big that gif file is.

4Chan. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Yes, oddly enough. It doesn’t do anything too terribly unique and there is a lot of “busywork” (camps to dismantle, locations to scavenge, etc..), but the vehicular combat is solid and the game is overall fun, IMO.


Who the fuck has trouble using the tube maps?

He is. He’s definitely not blind.

Ah ok I didn't see that. You've always been able to switch between 1080p30 and 60, didn't know you couldn't go back to 720p.

Yeah, I don’t get it. This feature was already in iOS 8, since the iPhone 6 was the first iPhone capable of 1080p 60 fps and 240 fps slow-mo.