
NFL Replays Are Going To Be Packed With Juicy Player Data This Year

I always thought that The Burning Crusade shouldn’t have been the very first expansion. Didn’t make any sense to go into space right off the bat. That should have been saved for much later...

I wonder if they can manage to keep the faces on the characters this time.

Also old-timey stuff next to present-day stuff reminds me of any nation that still has a decorative monarchy. Queen Elizabeth is escorted routinely by swords and horses whenever she’s out and about.

Man, you gotta do a lot of fuckin drugs to come up with some shit like this.

Win 10 comes out tomorrow, I should hope the RTM version is out and about already among previewers and developers...

The Nerf Rival Zeus MXV 1200 Blaster. From Hasbruh.

Oh shit!

I should have used sarcasm tags.

This is why I use unique emails and login names on a per-site basis and generate random passwords using my password manager. Password! may be easy to crack, but I doubt M4AdV5C4hMMVnnnDBEhZ is.

That’s One Massive LEGO Space Fleet

The worst part about getting vaccinated is the shot.

He probably meant to say “all your base are belong to us.”

Don’t quote me on this, but I think yes they do...

... the excellent precision of our detector...

Guillermo del Toro Wants To Make A Jabba the Hutt Movie!

Well... at least the video wasn’t vertical.

Isn’t she a little tall to be a stormtrooper?

“That’s no movie... it’s a hype train...”

Man... what if this movie sucks?