
All you Canadians are all alike, with your beady little eyes and flapping heads!

Hurr durr welcome to 2013, android users!

Don’t worry. They’ve got their top men working on it.

That scene with them all running off the cliff was actually pretty poorly done. You can see the real actors simply disappearing, being blocked by CGI skeletons.

No this isn’t what LSD is like. This is more what a mushroom trip is like.

If you watch the whole video you can see she clearly threatened to punch him first, hence the grabbing of her right arm.

Users who had preordered the software had no idea whether or not their systems could run it properly, having based their purchase off incorrect speculative system requirements released prior.

The poor kid who gets the Twilight locker will be branded for life.

Hey, leggo my avatar pic!

You misspelled “dicks.”

Who knew that Skynet would be filled with robot hippies?

I read this in a Scottish accent, fuckin’ hilarious :)

I first read the headline as:

It’s where the Nazis established their new base.

Just off the coast of the Sea of Water, within spitting distance of the Isle of Man... wait...

Either that, or they animated it.

...the studio is working on a card game called Keystone

That was gonna be my guess...

Five Nights in Inkopolis
