

That’s great and all, but can it draw dicks?

I understand that.

I didn’t say the author’s name was bullshit, now did I? My point was: Nobody’s gonna start calling the author Jaimie McBallsack just because that’s what’s on Facebook. That’s not how social interactions work. You meet someone and say “Hi, my name is Zip Cat, add me on Facebook, just look for ‘Jaimie McBallsack’”. They

By forcing us to change our names on the site, Facebook changes the names we are known by in real life — whether we like it or not.

SpaceX and NASA are putting together a team of top men to figure out what exactly happened. Top men.

But but but if I don’t pre-order it I might not get my hands on the digital copy at launch!


A friend of mine had a friend who lived in a Nielsen family. They had these creepy little boxes attached to all their (bigass glass tube) TVs. It was weird.

Fuck that clown, man. Fuck that clown.

You mean, of course, “rawsuits”

It was in vain. The game will be broken on launch. Enjoy!

Not only did AOL have this, but any modern Microsoft Exchange-based mail system has this as well. If you send an internal mail to a colleague, you can recall it.

Not to mention the fact that these fucking douchebags are crying over pre-rendered footage that has nothing to do with the actual finished product.

Seemingly innocent topics, like vegan cooking, can spark outrage in certain individuals.

Seriously. The idea behind pre-ordering was to reserve yourself a copy so you had one before they all sold out, back in the day when people actually bought physical copies of games. What’s gonna happen if you wait a day or two after launch? Is Steam gonna run out of digital copies?

A not-so-rare win for Men Everywhere, who have, once again, avoided getting yelled at.

That depends on what all needs to be done. If you’ve already got embryos frozen and waiting, you just need to (grossly simplified) thaw and implant. I don’t know about America, but that cost us around 5-6k € I think. The consultations, exams, hormone treatments, drugs, clinic visits, extraction and fertilization are

Spoken like someone who has no children and/or has never had to go through IVF.