
Gentlemen! There’s no space-fighting in here, this is the space-war-room!

That ain’t shit. I do that all the time in GTA V.

Of course it’s fake-ass CGI, why the fuck do people still believe shit they see on video?

So why do people keep pre-ordering this fucking bullshit?

“i7” means much less than you’d think:

I bet it won’t look like that in the final product.

The watermark probably automatically gets placed there on resources uploaded to the CMS, so I don’t think the blogger has anything to do with this.

1. yes

Plus, I’m certain the two shared some of that juicy rendering tech they’ve both developed in-house.

I’ve actually heard that playing a 3rd-person over-the-shoulder game with the Oculus is quite an engrossing experience... Hard to believe, though.

AirMech VR

But they are using emulation. It’s the only logical thing. They even say so themselves:

That would be an extremely inefficient way of doing it. Better to come up with a thin emulator, use it as a wrapper and tweak it to meet the needs of individual games. (sort of like how they release old PC games using DOSBox) That way, you’re not modifying other people’s games, which is a big no-no, as you know. (If

The XBone is not emulating 360 games after all but running recompiled versions of the game.

This is why I don’t use LastPass.

“She’s my daughter, I’m just her mom so she knows I would accept her choices.”

Unless it doesn’t.

Unless it doesn’t.

Zero Park Thirty?

Have you actually seen Alien 4? Admittedly, Alien 3 wasn’t my cup of tea, but 4 was a horrifying pile of disappointing shit.

“Everybody blends out something”