
Next time I'm filming my kids I'll be sure to arrange them in a rhombus or something.

But wait... the shutter scans across the sensor from top to bottom, meaning the image hitting the sensor is older on the top and newer on the bottom. That makes sense. It also makes sense, that the image received by the sensor is actually upside-down because of the lens.

I think Elon Musk has been playin' too fuckin' much Kerbal Space Program.

My big beef with Bitcoin is this: It's a crypto currency, meaning that it's mined by performing cryptographic calculations on data passed around via a peer to peer network.

Little did they know that your trunk was filled to the brim with counterfeit 50 cent pieces and your plan of slowly introducing them into the economy was slowly coming to fruition.

Yeah I hated my transition lenses for this reason too. The windshields on cars filter out UV, I guess, so they were completely useless when I needed them the most. Come to think about it, I think window glass in general filters out UV, because even if I were standing next to a window they wouldn't darken...

At that time, the fire was about the size of three overstuffed chairs.

I find my iPhone's 240fps capabilities to be invaluable when filming the silly shit my son gets in to. Much more practical than having a GoPro.

Except, technically, I started my sentence with "That's," and in the comic he started his sentence with "Well." :P

Yes, you can, but you can't change the block size to exactly file size, there's always a little bit of waste. 4KB is the default for NTFS, therefore I used that. Otherwise you can format NTFS with 8KB and 16KB blocks and so on, but that would be retarded at this point in time.

Who cares about a sledgehammer? I'd be more interested in seeing a real crash test with an all-aluminum body.

But this tiny implementation of chess is just that—and takes up just 487 bytes on your hard drive.

Mystery Science Theater 3000.

It's Doublefine... they made Psychonauts. How can you fault the people who made fucking Psychonauts?

I'm also an oldie, but I find Let's Plays pretty appealing, but not for the reason of "let's experience this game through someone else's fingers."

The Parkour Is Really Cool

Ghost Bustresses?

Oh my god, her voice is so... I dunno... annoying? Like, run-of-the-mill secretary at some random, average office kind of bland... She almost sounds like Yeardly Smith (Lisa Simpson), but a lot less charming.