
I can't get my copy of GTA IV (Steam) to work because of Games for Windows Live. :(

And in the CONTEXT of a comic, Comic Sans is the only font one should actually be using...

I bough to you, sir!

Triple-slot is definitely insane. My EVGA GTX 970 FTW's ACX 2.0 cooler is only double-slot and it keeps the card amazingly cool and quiet under load.

Here's video of it that's been publicly available for quite some time already!

Yes, because zombies are real.

Why The Age Of The Kids Adventure Movie Is Over

Oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with the guy at 0:25 in the first video?

Watch this GIF and think of "TROGDOOOOOOOOOOORRRR!!!!"

If you strip out all the programming gobbledygook, this list applies to pretty much any job, especially IT.

Now playing

I've got around 37 hours in the game so far, and apart from the odd dip (usually during combat) where CPU usage spikes and the framerate tanks, I get a solid 60 FPS when running around. In crowded towns it dips into the mid-50s.

>complains about PC version

Pedantry FTW!

And that's the real issue. No matter how good Microsoft makes Windows, all the crapware ruins the experience.

"I wouldn't want my grandkids playing this... but normal people would be alright..."

I laughed out loud at that part.

I played through all of Far Cry 4 just a few weeks ago and at the end, when Pagan Min was giving his monologue (and remembering him being "particular" with his words), I thought to myself "Aww, shit. I've been duped."

Meanwhile, we have a kotaku writer complaining in an article that "Dwagon age doesn't respect my time :( waa."

I just started playing DA:I this month and I was kind of worried, because I thought I was nearing the end of the game.