
I think that, all things considered, Driveclub makes Project Cars look downright stupid in comparison.

Spotted by DSOGaming, this video by YouTuber MotoGamesTV compares the rain effects found in the two games, from both third-person and cockpit views, on different tracks, in the afternoon and the evening. I can't tell which one's better, personally.

Cosmic Shocker?

Sounds like something from a porno...

"This Remote Control Batman Tumbler is Jaw-Droppingly Awesome"

I myself have the Ubiquiti Wireless AC Access Point on my wall. Even though my new PC has a direct wired connection, my entire two-story apartment (with concrete walls, thanks Germany!) is serviced quite nicely by that single access point. I guarantee I get better range and throughput than any "consumer" access point

The installation is a bit of a pain. I definitely recommend putting everything together BEFORE you mount the mainboard. My case has an opening on the mainboard plate under the CPU so I was able to mount the fan in-chassis, though it was difficult because one side was partially obscured.

Does that mean the makers of Quake are frapsing in their boots?

I can vouch for this bad-boy:

Where is that .gif from?

III was the weakest because it's pretty much a copy of the first movie and didn't really have any sense of impending doom, apart from Doc's death. Also, the creepy kid pointing at his junk is just weird.

Now playing

Screw all that. I prefer my vastly more entertaining "blast 'em in the face with a double-barreled shotgun" method:

This is why I brush my teeth in the shower. Less margin of error.

I've seen something like that in real life. When I was in Iraq in 2003-2004 at the Baghdad International Airport I was just getting off the night shift when I looked at the runway and saw a cargo plane that had gotten hit by a rocket and had to make an emergency landing.

I agree with your assessment. He could have at least attempted to flare a little bit, but he just piledrove the fucker into the tarmac. Maybe he was attempting to loosen the wheel? No idea.

In all reality though you're far more likely to run into MTU issues on the last mile. Due to PPPoE overhead, ADSL routers typically set a maximum MTU of something like 1492, and will fragment larger packets to fit them through, unless the DF flag is set. Default MTU on every core network device is at least 1500 bytes,

You'd think an ISP would know the difference between 10 GB and 10 gb...

Maybe they pulled the ol' bait-n-switch... claim to pull the movie to see who claims victory over Sony, then release anyways and move to counter.

First world problems...