
99 cheeses? Nobody can live at that speed!

Megatron's a dick

We've contacted Valve for comment on why it was so quickly restored to the service, and will update if we hear back.


Over the course of the series, Izumi gets sexually assaulted—and nearly raped—several times. Even more disturbing, the perpetrator of most of these incidents is Ryoma. His first attempt is one of shocked panic, unable to believe that Izumi really is a boy. But even later on, he continues to do rapey things like steal

What if you found out the girl of your dreams was actually a guy?

Superfluous. That's the word really. I don't understand how these plastic toys have become so insanely essential to adults? I literally can't imagine a situation where I would walk into a store and buy one of these things for myself.

I feel as though I'm missing something. Am I missing something? What do Amiibos do? They allow players to store information about their character, unlock certain types of content on pre-existing video games. Not earth shattering content – things like a different outfit for Luigi in Mario Kart 8. Stuff like that. I

Is it just me, or does it seem kind of silly to have this kind of thought put into a vest, only to have major amounts of heat being lost through the arms?

Wait... how else can you spell coordinate?

Using sophisticated facial reconstruction software, I was able to reconstruct his face:

It's not that Malacath, the patron Daedra of Elder Scrolls' orc race, is a bad guy. He's just into solving problems with violence. And he's watching out for ogres and the ogrim because they're outcasts. That's a good guy thing to do, right? I'm sure those skulls are just there for decoration, nothing else.

This is how Drake climbs now. What a dramatic difference. All facets of his game have improved.

Am I the only one who was disappointed to see The Kiss from Assassin's Creed Unity without the horrifying no-face bug?

Do people still actually fall for these kinds of bullshots?

It'll be back in a few hours. Again.


Why do they even bother listing the CPUs like that anymore when the minimum is so close to the recommended? Both those i5s are pretty close to each other in terms of performance, and the AMD FX 8320 can be overclocked to match the performance of the 8350...